Scott Air Force Base Inclement Weather Procedures

  • Published
  • By Public Affairs Office
  • 126th Air Refueling Wing
This is a reminder of the reporting procedures for personnel assigned or attached to the 126 Air Refueling Wing (126 ARW) in the event of inclement weather.

If Scott AFB determines that weather conditions pose a safety threat to its workers, a change in reporting time will be announced. Personnel can find out this information from the media, the Scott AFB information hotline (618-256-SAFB (7232)), or from a phone call from his/her supervisor.

When seeking inclement reporting procedures from the media, expect to hear one of two statements over the airwaves if conditions will affect normal operations before the start of the duty day:

Delayed reporting is granted to Scott AFB employees.
Delayed reporting allows up to two hours of additional time to report to duty. This time should be used to provide extra time to drive to work to ensure that the employee arrives safely. This also allows the snow removal crews an opportunity to clear the roads and parking lots prior to personnel utilizing them.

Only mission essential personnel are to report to work at Scott AFB.
While some personnel are always considered mission essential (i.e., Command Post and Security Forces), others may be classified as Mission Essential Personnel on a case by case basis depending upon the mission of the Wing at that time. If only mission essential personnel are to report, only those employees identified by their supervisor will report to work.

Additionally, Scott AFB my declare an early dismissal due to imminent inclement weather. In this case the following procedure should be followed:

Early dismissal during duty hours.
Once the duty day has begun and members of the Illinois Air National Guard are already at their duty location, the members of the Illinois Air National Guard do not fall under Scott AFB's authority for early dismissal. Since Scott AFB never closes, the Air Commander (Colonel Nezamis) is the decision authority for early release for all personnel assigned and attached to the 126 ARW. Early dismissal notification will be sent through a base-wide e-mail.

The following media outlets are some currently participating in the Scott AFB Winter Reporting Program.

Television Stations
KTVI Channel 2 (Fox) (
KMOV Channel 4 (CBS) (
KSDK Channel 5 (NBC)  (

Updated media sources will be published in the Command Post.

Base Entry/Exit Procedures
Due to limited snow removal equipment, the Cardinal Creek Gate may be closed for entry into the base. There is no mode identified that will announce if the Cardinal Creek Gate is open in the morning. Every effort will be made to have the road cleared for use.

In accordance with the operating procedures for the Cardinal Creek Gate, the gate may be closed if early release is authorized. If the gate is opened for early release an email will be sent out to all network users.

The Shiloh and Belleville gates should be open for traffic, however, various lanes may be closed depending on the severity of the weather conditions.

If you have any doubts about whether to report for duty, contact your office or supervisor. Remember, Scott AFB is never closed and there should only be two messages authorized to be announced through the media. The Scott AFB Straight Talk Line is (618) 256-7232, the Scott AFB website ( the Scott AFB Facebook page (, and the Scott Emergency Radio Station AM 1650 should always have the current information concerning Scott AFB during inclement weather conditions. This may be a good time to review your military technician/AGR recall procedures as well as your military recall roster within your unit.