Receipt of medical care during UTA Published Sept. 3, 2008 By Capt. John Durbin and Senior Master Sgt. Frank Bulin 126th Medical Group Scott AFB, Ill. -- Recently, questions have arisen regarding the receipt of medical care by wing members who are participating in a Unit Training Assembly (UTA). This article should provide wing members some guidelines to assist them in making medical care decisions. Because of a change in mission, the active duty emergency room at the 375 MDG is no longer operational. So, if you become injured or ill during a UTA weekend you will need to seek care from the closest civilian hospital. The 126 MDG professional staff (i.e. physicians, PAs, nurses, dentists, optometrists) and medical technicians are NOT permitted to provide medical or dental care, or perform diagnostic studies, except those that are part of the ANG RCPHA process. If your injury or illness is determined to be in the Line of Duty (caused or aggravated by required military duty) the military is required to pay for the care received. But, if it is determined that the injury or illness is a pre-existing condition, the member is financially responsible for the care received. In an attempt to ensure members receive needed medical care, the 126 MDG will provide medical evaluations and recommendations outlined below. First, if anyone is experiencing a life-threatening situation, they or a wingman should immediately initiate the EMS system by calling 911. If a non-life-threatening situation occurs, the 126th Medical Group can serve as a triage point of contact for members. On Saturdays of each UTA, supervisors can contact the 126th Medical Group for evaluation of suspected sick or injured persons. One provider will be available throughout the day to determine if a member incurred an injury or illness while on duty. On Sunday, supervisors can refer their people to the 375 MDG hospital where the 126 MDG will be performing PHA exams. If definitive medical care is deemed necessary, referral to the nearest emergency room hospital will be encouraged, and proper medical treatment will be administered at that site. However, if an injury or sickness is determined to be pre-existing, the member will be advised to seek treatment at the member's expense (via private insurance or cash basis). This triage service will permit the member to avoid unnecessary financial costs or to seek efficient medical treatment when necessary. In addition, members who need assessment prior to their annual fitness test can seek clearance by the triage service as required. Once again, this request must be supervisor-driven. As stated previously, the 126th MDG cannot provide anything more than evaluation and recommendation for the member. For more information, or if you have questions concerning the receipt of medical care during unit training assemblies, contact Capt. John Durbin or Senior Master Sgt. Frank Bulin at (618) 222-5187.