Recognition...a little goes a long way

  • Published
  • By Command Chief Master Sgt. John Vincent
  • 126 ARW
Recognition is something we all must take time to think about and act on during these high ops tempo times. During this Global War on Terrorism, there has been, and continues to be, countless upon countless acts of volunteerism and high levels of dedication to duty displayed daily. What helps sustain a high level of volunteerism and daily dedication to duty is morale. And, what helps sustain morale is recognition.
Recognition can come in many ways depending on the circumstances. Take into account some of these factors when recognizing individuals or duty sections: duration in length of achievement, level of responsibility, importance, and effect or impact on the mission at the Squadron, Group and Wing-levels; just to name a few .
Here are examples of recognition that are available:
A firm hand shake and a verbal thank you for a job well done; a typed letter of appreciation; a typed letter of recognition; AF Form 3033-Certificate of Appreciation; AF Form 3034-Certificate of Commendation; AF Form 3032-Dept of AF Certificate of Achievement; a commander's coin; a chiefs' coin; a First Sgt's. coin, an AF Achievement Medal, an AF Commendation Medal, or a Meritorious Service Medal. For AGR's, consider a 24, 48 or 72-hour pass. For technicians, consider: a Golden Eagle, Sustained Superior Performance, Quality Step increase or time off award.
One final word to remember in regards to recognition. Never, ever, recognize members simply because they do their normal day-to-day job. The compensation they receive for their day-to-day job is found in their monthly pay check. Recognition is something that is given for acts that are above and beyond the norm, earned through superior actions, and sustained determination. It is basic human nature to want to excel; it is also human nature to recognize those when they do excel. Follow your instincts, and you won't go wrong.