
Commentary Search

  • Final Commentary

    126 ARW -  As most of you know, I was recently appointed by our Adjutant General to the position of Chief of the Joint Staff for the Illinois National Guard.  This means a new location for me and a bittersweet farewell as your commander and member of this wing for over 30 years.  When you have the opportunity to command a wing, you see what it
  • Recognition and Retention

    We must recognize the efforts of our Airmen if we hope to retain them.
  • Commander's Welcome

    Hello, and welcome to the 126th Air Refueling Wing. I'm Colonel Peter Nezamis and on behalf of the more than 900 men and women of the 126 ARW, I want to thank you for your interest in our Wing.The 126 ARW is the oldest Air National Guard unit in Illinois and also holds the distinction of being the first Air Refueling unit in the Air National Guard.
  • Commander's Commentary

    It's hard to believe 2016 is coming to a close and what a year it was. You all performed exceedingly well during one of the most demanding years in the history of the 126th Air Refueling Wing!Our Wing performed so well, we received several Air Force level awards.  The 126th Air Refueling Wing received the Fuel Efficiency Award for 2016.  Through
  • Back to School in Health

    Immunizations are the actions of making a person or animal immune to infection, typically by inoculation.  Vaccinate means to treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculate.  They are commonly used interchangeably and are one of our greatest defenses against many serious illnesses.  Help keep yourself and your family
  • Be There

    The military is very much about coping with the high demands and high standards of professional conduct that are expected.  Deploying around the world to austere and hostile locations can be stressful not to mention the long work hours needed to complete the mission.  This puts pressure on our Airmen and their families.  It's common for personnel
  • Commander's Comments

    As per usual with Southern Illinois, we jump from winter into summer but this year has been the exception with rain and cold levels not seen since 1993 - and some remember what we were doing in the ILNG then. Thankfully we've dodged the bullets on major flooding, so far. Things are finally drying out with the mercury rising. Soon the wet bulb globe
  • Commander's Comments

    As per usual with Southern Illinois, we jump from winter into summer but this year has been the exception with rain and cold levels not seen since 1993 - and some remember what we were doing in the ILNG then. Thankfully we've dodged the bullets on major flooding, so far. Things are finally drying out with the mercury rising. Soon the wet bulb globe
  • 2012 Air National Guard Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year

    I would like to personally congratulate Tech. Sgt. Jacob Curtis on being named the 2012 Air National Guard Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year! This is a huge accomplishment that only a handful of our Airmen get to experience.The competition is highly competitive at the national level, but your accomplishments along with the support of
  • Command Chief's Comments

    As we become a leaner force, it is imperative that we work in an environment of excellence. It will become increasingly important for our military to be smarter and better fit in order to accomplish the mission of guarding and ensuring the freedom of our country and her allies. Therefore, excellence cannot be an exception; it must be the